Art in Shop Windows

Art in Shop Windows (1-3), 2009-2011.

Three exhibitions curated by Shiri Doron and Hanita Birnbaum aimed to expand public discourse in public spaces and make art accessible to the general public.

In the first exhibition, a match was made between 14 shop owners along the main street of Herzliya and 20 bold artists who dared to present their works in the shop windows. This independent private initiative coincided with the “Biennale of Contemporary Art in Herzliya 2009.” It was a very successful attempt to broaden the boundaries of art discourse in the public sphere. Some works were adapted to the space, while others were integrated with the exhibits in the showcases, taking on new meanings from this unique placement and creating a surprising and exciting exhibition.
In “Art in Shop Windows 2,” 17 artists participated and exhibited in 32 stores. This exhibition was presented in the outlet mall complex in Herzliya Pituach in 2009 and attracted significant attention.
In “Art in Shop Windows 3,” the curators joined the group “Your Own Room,” a collective of female artists that encourages women’s art, and invited women artists to create unique pieces based on commercial ads displayed in shops on the main street of Ra’anana. 21 artists and 22 shops participated in this exhibition, presented at the Ra’anana Arts Center in 2010.
The exhibition traveled to various locations in Ra’anana and generated considerable interest.